Author Guidelines

The journal accepts manuscripts only in English language and is published quarterly: March, June, September and December and uses a double blind peer review process in assessing manuscripts submitted for consideration of publication. Regardless of submission dates, KURJ ensures a quick and quality review of manuscripts. Manuscripts submitted for consideration of publication must have been checked for plagiarism, edited by language and subject experts, and must not have been published or submitted for consideration of publication to another journal.

Submission of Manuscript

Articles, innovations and inventions are accepted from seasoned academics and researchers within Uganda and internationally. Manuscripts to KURJ are submitted directly through our online manuscript management system or via email to kurj[at] You will be required to create a new account if you are submitting a manuscript for the first time. On receipt of manuscripts, the journal Editorial Office will acknowledge receipt of manuscripts within 24 hours.

Manuscript Processing Procedures

Authors are informed that manuscript turnaround time at KURJ is 60 days and the process described below is followed.

Manuscripts to KURJ will undergo editorial review to ensure authors have followed the journal format. Manuscripts that are found not to have followed journal format will be returned to authors.

Manuscripts that have complied with journal format are assigned two blind reviewers to assess the manuscript, make comments and suggestions to authors for improvements if required and make recommendations to the editor to accept as is; accept after minor corrections; accept after major corrections; or reject the manuscript. Manuscripts that are rejected cannot be resubmitted to KURJ for re-consideration of publication.

Manuscripts requiring revisions are returned to authors with reviewers’ comments for revisions.

Revised manuscripts must be returned within two weeks upon receipt from the editorial office along with a summary list of comments, revisions and suggestions indicating page and authors responses to the editor for final publication decisions. The editor informs authors through email on publication decisions.

Authors of accepted manuscripts shall receive their submissions in word format to proof read, check and ensure that the contents of the manuscripts are correct and authors are correctly affiliated.

Manuscript Preparation

Authors intending to submit manuscripts to KURJ must follow the steps described below in the preparation of their manuscripts for submission.

The cover page shall indicate the title, author’s name, and institutional affiliation and address and email details. Where there are more than two authors, all names of authors, their institutional affiliations and address, and emails must be indicated according to the contribution they have made in the preparation of the manuscript. The names, address and email of corresponding author must also be indicated.

Abstract of not more than 200 words should be on the second page. The abstract shall include the context of the manuscript, objectives, methodology (study design, sample and sampling design and data analysis methods), key findings, conclusions and recommendations. Five (5) Keywords appropriate for the study will also be included after the abstract.

Manuscripts to KURJ shall have the following sub-headings:

Introduction: this will not be more than one (1) page and will provide a strong background of the study, study gap and rationale for the study.

Literature Review: critical review of relevant literature from global, regional and local perspectives. It shall also include the theoretical and conceptual frameworks.

Data and Methods: this section shall describe the research design, sample and sampling design and data analysis procedures and the rationale for the methods chosen.

Results: this section shall present the results of the study guided by the relevant research objections/questions.

Discussion: the section on discussion shall compare results with previous related studies and specifically present the unique findings of the study.

Limitations: this section shall focus on the shortcomings of the study in respect to design, sample, data analytical procedures that may have affected the findings of the study.

Conclusion: this section shall provide an overall finding of the study taking cognizance of the whole study. Repetition of study results in this section is not acceptable.

Recommendations: this section shall present the author recommendations in terms of policy, programme and research. The recommendations shall emanate from the study results.

Citations and referencing: manuscripts presented to KURJ shall strictly use the APA sixth or later editions, citation and referencing style. Authors must ensure that every citation is appropriately referenced.

Examples of APA in-text citation

According to Ezira and Tamwesigire (2018), research and innovation are key factors for sustainable development.
Research and innovation are key factors for excellent service delivery ( Kinyata, Mbagutta and Sowed, 2017).
Citation should strictly use the surname(s) of the author(s). Do not insert middle or first name in citations.

Examples of APA reference style

Okello, M. C., & Hovil, L. (2007). Confronting the reality of gender-based violence in Northern Uganda. The International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1(3), 433–443.
Mubyazi, G. M. (2015). Knowledge and perceptions of antenatal services need and delivery and reasons for seeking such services among women in Tanzania: implications for utilization and coverage of intermittent presumptive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in two districts. Rwanda Journal, 2(1), 65–75.
Dunkle, K. L., Jewkes, R. K., Brown, H. C., Gray, G. E., McIntryre, J. A., & Harlow, S. D. (2004). Gender-based violence, relationship power, and risk of HIV infection in women attending antenatal clinics in South Africa. The Lancet, 363(9419), 1415–1421.
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The Ecology of Human Development. Harvard University Press.

Tables: should be typed on a separate sheet and identified by a short title immediately above the table. All tables shall be consecutively numbered and placed at the appropriate page.

Illustrations: these include maps, charts, diagrammes and photographs. These materials shall be presented as Figures and numbered consecutively. All figures shall be placed appropriately on the page in which they are described

Font style and Size: Manuscripts submitted to KURJ shall use Time New Romans Font style size of 12.
Line spacing: Manuscripts shall be double line spaced.
Number of words: Manuscript text shall not exceed 7,000 excluding tables, figures and appendices.